Thursday, May 23, 2013

Where Have I Been???

When I look at the date of my last blog entry I can't believe it has been weeks!! What has been going on with our efforts to get Susanna and Will home as soon as humanly possible???

We are happy to announce that our home study is pretty much completed. We are in final checking and double checking phases. In one of those double checks it was discovered that we were in need of two more background clearances. We got that news this morning and initially I panicked....these clearances can take weeks and we are so anxious to get Susanna out of that crib and to the care that she so desperately needs! The good news is that if this hadn't been caught before we sent our file on to immigration services then they would surely have noticed it and kicked it back out to us. That could have cost us weeks vs what I hope will instead be days.

God has been so faithful along the way. I had the sense when we started down this road that there would be spiritual battles to be fought.....and in ways that we hadn't experienced in our previous adoptions. We have seen very stressful things happen in our daily lives, and there has been many invitations to fear about the future......but God has continued to pave the way in the adoption process. There are days when I spend hours on paperwork and appointments, but He has been faithful to lead us to helpful people and to apply grace to areas in our process that could easily have become road blocks to moving forward. For that we are so grateful!! May He impress it on the hearts of the people doing our background checks to complete them quickly!! We are ready to be one big step closer to these sweet children!!

We would be so grateful for continued prayers for doors to open to bring Susanna and Will home quickly. We will need to do some fundraising for this adoption, so prayers also for wisdom to choose the right things that will be fruitful as we trust in God's provision!  I love them more each day and I pray that the story God is telling in all of our lives will bring great glory to Him! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are moving forward! Just thought about you, and had to jump on to see how things are going. I continue to pray for you!
